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Plantar Fasciitis treatment??????

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I totally agree!!
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    i have suffered from this horrible problem from more than 16 months. i tried everything. finally i decided to take injection in to my heel. On the day of injection my doctor explained about the cortisone shot. he said the pain from the injection is more than giving child birth. Then he gave me a choice to cancel the cortisone injection and adviced me to use the heal gel. i bought a set of heal gel from Ebay and tried it. i felt the change from the first day. now my leg is back to normal. It took 2 month for complete recovery. this is the heal gel i bought from ebay item id:171547903665 .Now i bought Nike shox shoe and taking care of my feet more than anything in my life
  3. Kimberly1evans

    Kimberly1evans New Member

    I have had Plantar fasciitis for almost four years because i let it go untreated and but my focus on my family more than myself. I feel as if i may have had the worst case of plantar fasciitis. it was very painful for me especially in the mornings, i had to give up a lot of activities that i love to to like running. i purchased some night splints and they seem to help with the morning pain, however i would still feel pain in the mornings. I got two cortisone shots and i felt relief for a while but, once i returned to work it came right back and was even more pain than before. I have a link at the bottom to a site that will help you with you plantar fasciitis problem, i have done a lot of research over the years on the fascia and this is a good one to help you remove yours.

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