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Small Lump on Top of Right Foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by TheCDNman, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. TheCDNman

    TheCDNman Guest

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    I recently noticed that I have a small, hard lump on the top of my right foot, about an inch past the big toe. I noticed it when I was trying on a pair of cowboy boots that I bought. The left one fit well, but I had to struggle to get the right one on. After I had the right boot on, I felt some slight burning on the top of my right foot, and that's when I could feel the small lump.

    Now, I do work at a pork processing plant and it isn't uncommon for 100 lb sides of pork to land on my feet, although it has been a few weeks since that has happened. I wear steel-toed boots, but they don't offer protection to the tops of the feet. Any ideas?

  2. Smokey

    Smokey Guest

    Is the lump right on the joint of the big toe, or further up towards the ankle?
  3. TheCDNMan

    TheCDNMan Guest

    It's up further toward the ankle. I have enclosed a picture.

  4. TheCDNMan

    TheCDNMan Guest

    I had an X-Ray on March 1, and on Friday, March 4, I phoned for the results. They said I have a small plantar's spur, and that the rest of the foot is normal. I thought a plantar's spur is at the bottom of the foot.
  5. Smokey

    Smokey Guest

    It is on the bottom of the foot, related to plantar fascitis (sp?). Your lump is soft-tissue, and won't show up on an x-ray anyway. You need to ask for a CT or MRI.
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have one of these on each foot, though they didn't develop at the same time and I haven't had any pain for awhile. After doing more research, I believe they are called Ganglion cysts, even though the top of the foot is not a very common place for them. I hope this helps.
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My mother has developed and lump at the bottom of her foot just below her big toe and the toe second in line to the big toe.It began developing about three months ago. It is becoming more and more painful for her to walk. It seems to be a nagging pain. Does anybody perhaps know what this cause of this might be?

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