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right foot arch feels "funny"...now what???

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by amarok, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. amarok

    amarok New Member

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    hello everyone!!!

    i'm from USA (pennsylvania) & need to know what i'm suppose to do.

    about 2 months ago, the arch area on my right foot started to feel "funny".
    i'm not sure how to describe the feeling...it's not exactly a pain but it is sort of pain ???? i didn't fall/stumble/twist/turn/etc or do anything else to make this feeling happen. i'm not really in any pain but am "aware" that something isn't right about my arch.
    my arch feels that it's not right & that something about it is not correct...that's the best way i can do to describe my problem. i don't stand all day & haven't really done anything for it (except to rub it on occasion)
    if i should see a doctor, what kind of doctor...my general physician or a podiatrist or a psychiatrist ???
    i've never had any foot problems before but i've been told that foot problems are heredity & my 89 yr old mother has the worst feet that i have ever seen, actually i'm afraid to even look at them...both her feet are nothing but arthritic bone, with many other problems...all of her toes are doing something out of the ordinary; such as crawling over the next toe & pointing 90 degrees out of kilter to her foot.
    i'm 60 & hope this problem isn't the start of getting her feet!!!!
    the ODD feeling isn't going away & i can feel myself walking differently with my right foot...sort of in a limp but not exactly.

    can anyone help???

  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Going to a doctor and complaining that your arch feels "funny" and offering as little additional relevant information and description as you have here, and without any visible or measurable associated findings is probably a waste of everyone's time and your money. I don't know if you mentioned seeing a psychiatrist as a joke or if you have reason to believe that your "funny" feeling is of psychological etiology, but as you brought it up, that might be a consideration.
  3. amarok

    amarok New Member

    thanks for confirming what i thought about seeing a doctor at this time, that it would be a waste but my reference to seeing a psychiatrist was only a joke...i have no mental problems.

    there's something wrong with my arch BUT i can't describe it! (i guess i was hoping that someone else had experienced the same problem or would understand what i meant and could give some advice.)

    i guess i'll wait till i can be more specific about the symptoms.
  4. jfoy

    jfoy New Member

    my arch ws 'funny' then I developed plantar fasciitis, hope it gets better remember keep slim and stretch calf muscles, also never wear flip flops
  5. ichabod

    ichabod Guest

    The only reason I am responding to your posting is because the relatively mild pain in my heel bone (spur?) is only in my right foot, i.e., totally asymmetrical. I've had this pain for about a month or two. I'm not sure if it is one of those things in life -- like some sort of sensation or pain somewhere in your body --that eventually goes away, or is it something that I should have a physician to look at. Again, my pain is not like yours but is a pain nevertheless in my heel bone of the right foot, BUT not the left foot. Weird!
  6. jbo3

    jbo3 New Member

    Amazingly, I found this thread while doing a web search on "one of my foot arches feels funny". Despite being a health professional, I found myself describing my condition the exact same way as the original poster. I too had what I described as a unilateral "fasciitis" but it did not go away and became increasing painful. I have had fasciitis in the past and I knew this was different. I ended up seeing an orthopedic surgeon, who did one of those cortisone heel injections....ouch! This cured me in a few days but it has recently reoccured. The podiatrist who works for the same organization that I do said those symptoms are likely a bursitis. Heel cushions help...Now I have a "funny" sensation in the same foot arch too. Great! I suppose I will have to actually make an appointment to see him rather than getting a corridor consultation. :)
  7. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    "Feeling funny" is hardly a symptom description upon which a doctor can hang his hat.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My strange, mild pain seems to be moving up into my calf bone. Is this normal or common for heel spurs?
    My spurs are on the back of my heels. Thank the Lord that they are off centered.
    Thank you for any insite.
  9. Foot Doc

    Foot Doc Guest

    If the heel bumps are off-center, that might be consistent with Haglund's deformity. You can search for information and comments about that condition on this on this site or Google it.

  10. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I found your post because I started out by googling weird sensation in my arch. Does your foot/arch almost feel asleep or numb at times but not others? Or does it feel like you have something in your shoe if you are wearing shoes with socks? That is how I first noticed mine, I kept slipping my shoe off to straighten on what I thought was a wadded up sock in my shoe! Only the sock was fine and I constantly feel like I am walking on something in my arch!! Not that this will help if you are feeling the same thing as I describe....but I was just searching for what it could be when I read your post. Good luck!
  11. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Very simmilar to my own feeling. I was walking around my house barefoot and I felt like a bone was protruding in my arch. It was completely dark at the time and I assumed I was walking on something. I turned on the light and looked for anything at all that could make that feeling; there was none. I shrugged it off but when I started to walk off again, there it was. At that point I assumed something must be wrong. I sat down and massaged the foot in an attemt to locate the bone or whatever. I still can't find it or promt it to stick out. The location didn't even really hurt, but now I can feel a brief but sharp pain when it happens.

    I am now wearing my shoes with a padded sole; it seems to help. If you havn't gotten over it already, I hope this helps!
  12. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am in my early 60's and have exactly the same thing. Can't say its pain but my right foot feels so strange, mostly the instep. Sometimes feels like creepy crawly things in my foot. Sometimes a pins and needles type feeling but muted and sometimes a faint numbness. I've tried massaging with oil, foot cream, cold foot bath, hot foot bath with bicarbonate and olive oil. All soothing but don't really work. Happens usually at night when I first lie down. Seems to ease after a while. Have had this for a long time - off and on for years. I wonder if diet has anything to do with it? Perhaps an allergy of some sort.
  13. teamlewis6

    teamlewis6 New Member

    I am from Perth Western Australia, I too have really bad feet. I can understand the feeling of frustration trying to describe the feeling in your feet. I have had problems for three years with plantar faciitis this can give you a funny feeling in the arch of your foot. I would see your GP and get a referral to a podiatrist. If you leave it to long you can do more damage to your foot. I left mine and now I have all sorts of problems and may need surgery. I wish you good luck.
  14. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    My right foot arch just started feeling funny an hour or so ago. It doesn't feel like anything is structurally wrong with my foot, it just feels 'funny' like it's extra-sensitive at the skin. Walking on it feels like my sock is tickling me. I took off my shoe and sock a number of times to make sure I didn't have a spider in my shoe or something wrong with my sock. No evidence of a bite or anything, just a tingly feeling at the surface level, not like pins and needles at all, more like a skin irritation. Is this what you were feeling? Did you ever get it diagnosed?

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