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Tibial sesamoidectomy/bunionectomy/second toe fusion--chronic issues

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by ladyoracle, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. ladyoracle

    ladyoracle New Member

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    Hi, everyone,
    I am trying to find others "out there" who are living with post-sesamoidectomy issues/pain/complications. I had a tibial sesamoidectomy (due to a fracture that would not heal) in April of 2013, as well as a bunionectomy and second hammertoe fusion. I had also had a plantar plate tear, so my surgeon opted for fusing the second toe to allow the tear to heal. Since then, I have had many ups and downs, including surgery to remove the bunionectomy screw, a first met head contusion, scar tissue problems, and thickening of the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon. I was back in a CAM boot for nearly three months, and my most recent MRI shows that the contusion appears to have improved, but I now have some edema in the second and third metatarsals, bone marrow edema at the second met head, and STILL have thickening within the FHL tendon, where it connects to the fibular sesamoid. I have just gotten new orthotics, am still in PT, and am doing my best to move forward. My ortho surgeon in Boston has never really experienced this type of situation, and he is sort of setting me free. I am fine with this overall, but still feel like I could use some "feedback" and guidance regarding how to manage the FHL tendon issues. I am not bothered by the edema in the second and third metatarsals, and I only wear appropriate footwear. I stretch, strengthen, massage, etc. I still have chronic pain to varying degrees on a daily basis--the sense of some bone pain, almost akin to arthritis--as well as tendonitis-esque pain. I am just curious to know if there is ANYONE else out there who is going through what I have been through? I feel like a freak, as none of my docs seem to fully understand this, and because I am an active, stubborn woman who does not complain much to them, I think they tend to dismiss me or think "Oh, she'll improve one day." Well, I am nearly 40 and would really like to feel a bit more supported, hopeful, and just--well, not alone in this. I'd love to just chat with someone else or a doc who has had more experience with all of these procedures... In one foot, not as separate surgeries! Thanks for any feedback/input/comments you can offer!
  2. nb78

    nb78 Guest

    Hello there! I am 36 years old. I had a bunionectomy and arthrex biocartilage surgery december 2013. My tibial sesamoid was creating a gash in my metatarsal head. I still had a lot of pain after a year from surgery, so I had a sesamoidectomy December 2014. I am 5 months post op and cannot walk barefoot. I use a cane when walking around the city. The high level of pain concerns me at this point in the healing process. I related to your message because all the doctors I have seen don't really understand why i am still in pain. I do have considerable osteoarthritis in my first metatarsal joint and have been told that there is nothing that can "fix" it, and that it only gets worse through the years. Needless to say I am feeling discouraged. I was a professional broadway dancer, and now my career is over. My goal now is to just get through each day without so much pain. I have acupuncture and feldenkrais weekly, which has been wonderful for my spirit, but it provides temporary relief from my physical pain, if any. How are you feeling since you posted? Any insight to why you were in so much pain?

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