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Lapidus or scarf surgery for bunion?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have a big bunion with a hypermobile joint. My arch has really sagged, my toes are tying to hammer and to top it off, I am getting terrible pain at the base of my 2nd toe if I do more than minimal walking. I also get foot cramps as soon as myfoot relaxes without support so I wear night splints on both I had lapidus surgery on my other foot, and I am OK but not thrilled with the result - my toe is stiff and a bit off the ground, so my weight is not well distributed. I was holding off on doing this foot until the pain started at the base of my toe. Now I can't even be moderately active - my doctor says the weight has shifted to this spot due to my bunion and I am at risk for a stress

    have a new surgeon who has given me the option of a scarf or lapidus. She says the scarf will allow the toe to get flatter but the lapidus will restore my arch. On top of it, she will do an osteotomy on the 2nd toe with either surgery. I will be NWB for 6 weeks post either surgery. Any advice on which to choose?

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