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Reconstruction foot surgery help!!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Shakilareed90, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. Shakilareed90

    Shakilareed90 New Member

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    When I was four years old, I was hit by a car. The car had only left a scar on my foot, but the damage is pretty bad. I would like to know if i could get reconstruction surgery on this, and what would be the estimated cost. I am now 17 and embarrased to show my feet because of the damage. When I was in the hospital, I had to get a skin graph. Which they took skin off my thigh and put it on my foot. Im not worried about my thigh though because doctors told me I could get a tattoo over it, or something. Here's a link to how my foot looks.


    Please tell me what i should do.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    You are a minor and couldn't give your legal consent to reconstructive surgery if you wanted to. Have you parents take you to a well-vetted surgeon skilled in post-trauma reconstructive surgery of the foot for an opinion and advice.
  3. Shakilareed90

    Shakilareed90 New Member

    I'm turning 18 soon that's why i'm asking. My mother is deceased, and I don't talk to my dad. So the answer to that question is no. All i want to know is if this could be reconstructed to look normal or not.
  4. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I don't offer advice directly to minors, or those who are ALMOST not, but even if I did, how could I possibly give you an answer to your question without the ability to examine you?

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