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Hard lump on right foot, pain when walking, another lump forming.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Ive recently noticed a small hard lump about 2 inches under my fourth toe on my left foot. It dosn't hurt when pushed but it does begin to ache a bit. But when I walk I begin to get a shooting pain in my left foot all along the left side and up to the pinky toe. When not walking or moving said side begins to throb and ache. And now ive noticed a second similar lump forming just about an inched down from the first lump, the veins around the lumps are very protruding and I can feel the ridges of them if I touch my foot. My left foot has non of this at all and feels just fine. Any idea what this could be?

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