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Foot swelling/itching in Costa Rica

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    So here is the deal. My feet have become a big problem over the last week and I cant take it anymore. After being in Costa Rica for a couple months with no problems, one day maybe 10 days ago, I woke up with what looked like insect bites on my feet. Out of no where. Since then, the bites have seemed to have gone away but they have been replaced by unbelievable itching all over both my feet that comes and goes. The itching is mainly around and between my toes but it is sometimes accompanied by a sort of rash around the bases of my feet and slightly up onto the tops. Mainly thoughs, it around my toes. Now, my left foot has begun to slightly swell on the underside at the base of my second toe. The toe is also swollen.

    Being that I am located in a little town in Costa Rica, decent medical care is basically not available where I am at. I could travel somewhere if need be but as the condition seems more than a nuisance that a serious issue, I have put off any care outside of basic household remedies until now. There is a small pharmacy in town that, typical of most pharmacies in this region, has a decent stock of medicines that are available just by asking for them. I did get a cream for the bites (assuming that is what they actually were) that is similar from what I can tell to calamine lotion, and that worked great initially but now has little effect on the itching. Any advice?
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I should have included in the original post, that in hindsight, the bug bites may have in fact been some kind of hives. I say that because now the bites appear to be gone but now the inside of my left (swollen) foot has what looks like hives on it.
  3. AussiePod

    AussiePod New Member

    Have you asked the Pharmacist for a diagnosis?
    If there is a pharmacy in town, there should be a doctor aswell.

    If it is just insect bites or hives, then time will sort it out.
    You should keep an eye out for infections that might arise sue to scratching.

    also, try taking some paracetamol, as this can be effective on itching.

    If you are concerned, i would definately look for a doctor though.

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