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HELP! Overlapping toes w/ tailor's bunion

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hello. My wife has problems with her toes and feet. She had ill-fitting shoes as a youth when her feet were growing and it seems her toes and feet developed incorrectly. This causes her pain when walking and I just wanted to know of any home treatments that can be done to deal with it. I realize seeing a podiatrist would be the best course of action but she doesn't currently have health insurance, so I want to know what else is available.

    The problem is with her 3rd, 4th and 5th toes. They're curved inward and overlap one another. They're smashed together so bad, part of the toe pads underneath are actually pinched to a creased point. Also, on the outside of her foot, she has what I've seen referred to as a tailor's bunion. It's hard, calloused and painful as well. She jokingly refers to it as her "sixth toe."

    Can she do anything non-surgical to straighten out these toes and treat the bunion? I've heard of toe straighteners. Can someone recommend good ones for the purpose of straightening the outer three toes? Below are a couple of pictures of her feet to give you an idea of what she's dealing with. Thanks!


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