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How long will Big Toe remain Swollen after Fracture

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by RedwoodsMama, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. RedwoodsMama

    RedwoodsMama New Member

    I posted my original question after falling and fracturing my big toe as well as dislocating it around Dec. 15th, 2012, but NOBODY answered, and I realize I still may not get an answer ,but I had to give it a try.

    To condense what happened, On Dec. 13th, late at night I fell off the front porch stairs with immediate pain, swelling and bruising, I could not see the dr. till the next day, and was sent for XRays. X rays revealed, ( in my podiatrist's words" A severe dislocation of the big toe, Metatarsal, on my right foot, same foot that has been fused since 2008. Four days after falling, I was able to see my dr. He relocated the big toe, ( after injections which numbed the foot), placed in walking boot, given Percocet and told to stay off foot, keep it on 24/7. A copy of the Xray , also showed I have what is called an Intra ARticular fracture of the first digit.

    Here is my question, as I do not see my dr. for about ten more days, and am HOPING Someone will Please answer my question. My big toe is numb on the top front of it, no feeling at all, Under the toe itself and on the sides of it, are painful and my toe is still very swollen like a big fat sausage. My left big toe measures 3 inches and my right big toe measures slightly less than 4 inches, at the same spot, right below start of toe nail on both toes. How long does the swelling stay like this, and when can I expect some improvement ? Is this common with fractures, esp when you walk on them on a daily basis, even though I have a walking boot? I also have Osteopenia, Reduced mineralization according to the XRAY, does this slow down the healing phase, taking longer to heal, therefore it stays swollen longer? Anyone who can help with any of these questions, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you in advance.

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