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Painful left heel - Background provided

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by samIam, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. samIam

    samIam New Member

    Thanks for reading my post. I am looking for some advice, help, or identification of this painful issue.

    For the past three + years, the pain in the arch of my food has worsen. Only my left foot.

    About twelve months ago, I purchased a night boot to wear which helped out immensely the first couple weeks, but lessen its affect. I discontinued using it.

    About six months ago, I went to see a podiatrist which took two x-rays of my foot, and said I had PF and provided me an insert to wear on my foot, along with some Meloxin for "inflammation" I purchased some nice Axcis running shoes for additional support too.

    The pain in my arch has gone away, but a more painful pain now is in my heel. The sides of the sole of my heel is sore, it is painful to walk on, painful to push on at times.

    Ironically, I can run on my treadmill and the majority of the time, I am not in pain.

    I am stumped... and I need this pain to go away. I would like to hike, and walk through a store without limping at times due to the pain.

    Hopefully I have provided enough background to help guide this conversation.

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