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Shooting Pain in Back/Foot from Sesamoid fracture

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by JJS, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. JJS

    JJS New Member

    I went to a podistrist because I was getting this shooting pain in between the webbing of my first and 2nd toe on the top of my foot. It felt like my tendon was being ripped with some nerve shooting pain everytime I either put more weight on the front of my foot or even if I put more weight to one side of the foot. I never had pain on the bottom of my foot/sesamoids. The X-Rays taken at this time were negative for any fracture. 2 weeks later, I went to an orthopedic surgeon who did a MRI diagnosing me with a tibial sesamoid fracture/edema. He thought I had bipartie sesamoid/old injury which didn't make sense because my first X-Ray was negative. I went to a chiropractor because I was so frustrated and after he worked on it, I had swelling/redness of my sesamoids. I went back to the podiatrist who put me in cam walker/cast. I now have a similar shooting pain in my back, probably due to my gait being off. It's been 7 months. My fracture is healing with the help of a bone stimulator and complete non-weight bearing for 10 weeks. However, I still have the shooting pain in foot/back. Any advice? similar experiences?

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