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I would like your opinion as to if I need ingrown toenail surgery again, Please!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Needs-help-with-toes2, Mar 20, 2011.

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    I had ingrown toenail surgery, the supposively "permanant" one where they cut a little off both sides of the big toenail. This was back in January. Everything went perfectly, it looks really good and healed up fast, not a lot of pain. Now, as of two weeks ago, in the bottom-right corner of the big toenail started bleeding. It looks liked dried blood, but I'm not sure if there is puss either. Either way, if it was healthy it shouldn't be bleeding, right? I talked to a nurse on the phone and she said as long as it wasn't infected that it was alright. It started with one toe, the right one, now the left one is doing it.
    Is there a chance that I need ingrown toenail surgery again?

    Is there any other solution to ingrown toenails, other than the surgery? I've had the procedure on my right toe 2 times and 3 times on my left toe. Honestly, I need all the help that you can give me.

    I know it's hard to not be able to see it, but I'd appreciate your opinion. If you could tell me what it sounds like or what to look for if it is infected, or anything else helpful I'd love to hear it.
  2. Smokey

    Smokey Guest

    Can't say anything about the ingrown toenail question itself, but signs of infection are redness and swelling and pain.
  3. I think there may be slight puss, and there's blood red stuff in the corner. I think I'm used to any foot pain, walked on an ingrown for about 6 months when the doc said it wasn't ingrown.

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