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5th metarsal help

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Rick S, May 30, 2010.

  1. Rick S

    Rick S New Member

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    I broke my 5th metarsal 7 months ago, several casts, crutches etc. later the foot is still broke. The Dr. wanted to allow the fracture to heal itself. Needless to say he finally admitted that it never healed. My question is should I have the surgery to repair the fracture? I'm 51 and am on my feet alot. I would describe the pain as a very dull ache and my foot is also a slight darker shade now. The doc says its up to me but I'm not sure what the right call is. I suggested surgery from day one since he said the break was in a "bad location." I just recently scheduled myself for another opinion in 2 weeks but would greatly appreciate any input towards my desicion making. Is this something that could break worse at any giving time which would ultlimately require surgery? I also would suggest that I am very active from golfing to cutting firewood. Thank you
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I and I would hope any other doctor is no more able or will than would be the 2nd opinion doctor whom you will be seeing in 2 weeks to help you make such a judgment without a full review of your case, a hands-on examination and x-rays.

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