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Sprained Foot Months Ago; Still Hurting

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by StillHurting, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. StillHurting

    StillHurting Guest

    How it happened... I was running up some steps at work in dress shoes and fell forward. HR sent me to Urgent Care. They did some x-rays and it wasn't broken. They put one of those shoes on me and gave me a cane; I used that for awhile - even went to therapy for a couple weeks. It got a lot better and felt fine, actually... so I had them release me. Since then, though... it hurts when I walk.

    It hurts (or aches/burns, to be more precise) when I walk on it... but I can get around. If I sit, no pain at all. The injury occurred in the front of my left foot - the side + the big toe. If I stand up on my toes, it aches. I feel it aching/burning, in fact, on the bottom of my foot.

    The bones feel fine. It tends to hurt more in shoes than, say... flip flops. I don't know what it could be. When I was going through therapy (3 visits a week for 2 weeks), it seriously felt ok. No aching when I stood on my toes. It's like it's gotten worse or... just isn't healing.

    It's almost feels like if I had someone crack/massage my foot, that it would feel better - similar to how it feels when you have tension in your head and you turn and crack it and it goes away. I'm sure they're not dislocated or anything, but... don't know. I suspect the burning feeling would still be there, though. It doesn't hurt if I press on it - just when I walk for awhile.

    Anyway... any idea what it might be. Is it just... possible that it could take awhile?

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010

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