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broken 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by zak sanderman, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    This is an introductory message for my bf Zak, I signed him up on here because he had an accident at work on Friday and broke 3 bones in his right foot.

    He currently has an open cast and is returning to the hospital next week to get a fibreglass cast put on.

    We would like to know other peoples' accounts of similar injuries, most notably healing times and if there are any things that can be done that can aid healing.

    Any advice is muchly appreciated.

    Zak (and Hayley)
  2. morgie6107

    morgie6107 New Member

    hi zak and haley! i know its been a few months since you posted but how is his recovery coming along? i broke my 2,3,4 metatarsals about 4 weeks ago just went to dr 2nd one is healed but 3rd and 4th arent yet. going back in 4 weeks still no weight bearing. i am in a aircast walking boot im able to take it off to shower. Hope he has a speedy recovery. i feel his pain!

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