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painful spot on heel

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Benjamin, May 5, 2012.

  1. Benjamin

    Benjamin Guest

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    it's been about 8-9 days,

    started as just a painful spot couldn't visibly see that it was there but brushing across with fingers you could feel a slight raise. today i could actually see it, like a blackish coloring.

    as far as pain goes, it only hurts when direct pressure it applied to the one small spot (about the size of a pencil eraser. and being just left of the middle of my heel it's every step i take :\

    i'm a cook in the army so i spend a hell of alot of time on my feel, though there hasn't been any "trauma" to the area though i do have athletes foot under my pinky toe, not too bad though

    what have i done for it, or tried: i stabbed it with a needle about 10 minutes ago, went through alot of dead skin (i know this because it was painless and i went in about an 8th-16th of an inch before i actually punctured the live skin underneath i went at a sideways angle to avoid putting pressure and causing pain this worked out until the actual puncture which only felt like a small needle prick. the result. clear puss. followed by a small bit of blood like if i had stabbed any other part of my body before stopping again.

    touching the spot now the pain is no different then when i had before (i don't believe this to be pain from the needle now but the same pain as before)

    scale of 1-10, 10 being arms/legs being cut off

    without agitation 0 (painless)

    with agitation 5-6 (agitation being direct pressure on only that small spot)

    any help would be appreciated
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    just bumping the thread hoping for a reply
  3. Derek

    Derek Guest

    Hey Ben,
    First of all thank you for your service!
    I have the same thing ( never stabbed it though ).
    I see others with the same problem with no real answers, the research I have done doesn't really point to planters fasciitis. Instead kinda points to something called heal fat pad atrophy. Don't know of any remedies but I hope it helps in any way. God bless you and all of our men and women in the services.

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