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Chair Dropped on Top of Foot - How Long for Bruising, etc.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    My beloved daughter kicked her chair back from the table and it dropped back on top of my foot - midway between toes and ankle. No breaks per x-rays, but it is now 2 weeks and while the brusing is better it is spreading up my ankle and completely around the back of my foot/heel area. I know why it's black around the toes and horizontal base of my foot (gravity) - but should it still be so swollen and bruising UPwards? I'm still limping - no surprise - with moments of sharp pains at the impact site. Can't wait to have my toes able to hit the ground (too swollen). :) Thanks!
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I dropped a heavy trailer that hooks to the back of my truck on my foot, and it has gone from really sore to not so sore, just bruised and black and now my toes are black. It is just part of the healing process. It will get better with time but dont over-do if you can help it. The more time off of it the better. The doctor will just put you in a boot that is hot and uncomfortable and wont really do anything other than what you can do for yourself without the boot. Have your spouse lick on it after the day is over and it will help you to forget the pain. Thats whats gotten me through this so far. The end results have helped keep her happy as well!!!!
  3. Cathy4903

    Cathy4903 New Member

    I had that happen to me probably 7 months ago, I kept it up as much as I could and iced, the black and blue came through anyway but it helped with the swelling to have the ice. Maybe get something to wear on it for extra support so there's not alot of pressure? :) Hope you feel better!

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