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Callus/Blister on toe problem

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Regina, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Regina

    Regina New Member

    Alright so backstory: A month ago on Christmas I wore some really uncomfortable heels all day long. When I got home I noticed that I had what I thought was a blister forming on my big toe. I figured, no biggie, it'll go away in a couple of weeks. Well next week the skin started to get hard, and it looked like it was turning into a callus. Fast forward to this week and the callus is still here. Now what has me worried is that it looks like it's forming blood under it? There's red spots under the callus. It's super painful and it hurts to walk. Is this normal? What can I do to make this go away?


    Part 2 of my question: Two weeks ago I decided to wear two pairs of tights instead of one because it was super cold. I did this for three days. On the third day I noticed my toes were super itchy. I took off the tights so they could breathe. The next morning I see that like.. blisters/welts had formed in between my toes. They hurt, and kind of burn? I figured it was some kind of heat rash/chafing type thing but I've been going bare foot or wearing flip flops and they haven't shown any sign of healing yet. Some friends keep telling me that they're spider bites but I don't think so since they only appeared after I wore my tights/took off my tights:

    Some gross pictures:

    Any insight on what's going on with my feet or how to fix them would be fantastic. :)

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