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Talus part of the foot hurts

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi there, I need help figuring what to do about my foot pain that's on the top of my talus. It isn't a fracture but it's just these new shoes I bought which are in between clogs and leather is too hard on the opening. Everytime I step forward, it causes the front or the dosal side of my foot to push against the opening of the shoe causing irritation and pain. Right now my skin looks red and it just hurts like I bruised it especially after working 9 hours today.

    Is there anything I can do to help cushion the sides or the opening of the shoe, I really like the shoes because it's light but the pain on the front is just annoying. The sides may be affected as well since the medial and lateral malleolus just rest on the opening.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Ditch the shoes!
  3. Definately stop wearing the shoes, or at least wearing them for 9 hours at a time. I have some like that, I just can't part with. So I only wear them for going to a friend's for dinner where the walking is limited from my car to the front door.

    There are really stylish shoes out that are built for an actual human foot. I won't name brands, bc I'm guessing that isn't kosher here. That said, try googling "orthotic friendy shoes" or "extra depth shoes."

    btw - I work for a company that builds orthotics.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    These are the shoes that I bought for only $22.50. It was on sale and clearance at famous footwear. http://www.skechers.com/shoes-and-clothing/styles/all_shoes/product/oswald_-_balder/nvy?terms=oswald

    I think I noticed that the shoe fitting was loose, which causes my foot to hit the top part of the opening. I normally wear a size 9 and the shoe is a size 9. I tried putting another insole with the stock one but it made it a little tight in some areas and causing my feet to come off the shoe which was weird. So I took out the stock insoles tried using two used insoles and it helped a little, but I can't try it out fully yet since my feet is still bruised up.

    I'll let you update on this issue later. I would like to figure out if there's a way to put cushioning on the edges. Maybe I should glue some leather. But thanks for the advice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2008

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