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Severe pain around right lateral cuboid bone, but no bruising or swelling

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi there,

    I was doing a 5 mile run on my treadmill (not unusual, I'll do it once or twice per week with shorter runs in between) when I noticed my bottom right foot (mid foot, outside right) was getting sore. I ran through it.
    The following day, I was back on the treadmill for a 4 mile run. I noticed the pain immediately, but continued to run. I had to compensate by limping a bit and running on the outside of my foot. Normal walking/running is not possible, very similar to an ankle sprain (outside of the ankle).
    I haven't run since, my foot is not and never was swollen or bruised. However it is not getting any better, and I think it is more painful now than before.
    My foot injuries have always had swelling and bruising, so I'm at a loss right now.
    Any advice?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Let's see . . First you ran, notice pain, but continued running. Then you ran again the next day, the pain returned, yet you still continued to run and did so in an abnormal fashion to be able to continue. Now painless running, much less walking is not possible and your situation is getting worse, and, instead of seeing a doctor, you are trying to get well from information gleaned on the Internet from people who cannot examine you. Does something sound very wrong with how you are dealing with this problem to you as it does to me?
    THIS is not a doctor's office and it is not intended to be one. Find one, with a good doctor in residence.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I had the same problem, but i was running 10 miles and the pain just came out of nowhere, now I have a lot of pain just walking. I went to the foot doctor, had x rays and he checked all the tendons. Everything was fine, he believes it is a bruised cuboid bone, and says it should be fine. Told me to get some orthodics for my shoes to stop the pronation in that area and gave me a prescription for some pain relief.

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