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Throbbing big toe pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Ok this isn't the first time I've had this awful pain. I'm very prone to ingrown toenails, mostly on my big toes. So I've had a few infections. But from what I can see there is no ingrown nail. I have a stabbing/throbbing pain in the left big toe. Its seems sensitive and anything cold hurts terribly. The pain makes me jump, its started to travel up my leg and through my foot more. I'm a 21 year old woman. And I don't think its gout, but I suppose its possible. Or could it be some sort of nerve damage from a severe ingrown toenail, mine usually grow under from the sides. I need some advice, this pain is horrible!
  2. robertharris750

    robertharris750 New Member

    It will be nice if you provide an image of it.
    There are many reasons for this pain like bunion swelling, Gout etc..it can also swell if the bone in the toe is broken. I think you should try icing and elevating your foot for few days and take ibuprofen for pain relief
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I know its not broken, and pretty sure I don't have a bunion. There's no swelling and my grandma has bunions so I've seen them and my foot looks nothing like that. It looks pretty normal. And the pain is gone for now. It lasted about 2 days. Ice or anything cold made the pain so much worse. I had some pain pills so I was taking them and they helped. I cant post a picture or I would!

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