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2nd Metatarsal pain/Mortons foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by JackBrian, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. JackBrian

    JackBrian New Member

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    I am looking for input, guidance and comments so bear with me while I explain my situation... I am 50 yrs old, formerly a very active athelete who walks about 2-3 miles each morning and also ride my mountain bike and lift a little to stay fit. About a year ago, I experienced a minor traumatic injury to my forefoot while using a shovel to dig a hole (from pushing down on the shovel). It go so sore, I could barely put any weight on the pad of my foot. The soreness was located at the first joint in the 2nd metatarsal right under the ball of my foot. I followed basic protocols for injury (RICE) and while the minor swelling and pain subsided for the most part, the 2nd met remained hurting. I looked up the locally best recommended POD and went for diagnosis and treatment. I have very high arches, a EE wide foot and a Mortons foot physiology (2nd met is longer than 1st). I have worn custom 3/4 orthotics for 13 yrs. Treatment from the POD for the injury was 2 injections, one on each side of the joint, of a corti-steriod, new full length orthotics and anti-inflam pills. Injections relieved pain short term and inflamation went down a little. The new Custom orthotics did not seem to help regardless of the changes we made to them. I found the special metatarsal pad especially uncomfortable. I reverted to using my old orthotics with a soft full length insert under them. I stopped wearing shoes with softer flexible soles and now pretty much live in my hiking boots because they do not hurt when I walk. I researched my injury ad nausiam on the web looking for others with my plight. I found lots of info on Mortons foot and read many articles and a book on the subject. From that research, I added a special pad (still looking for the right thickness) under the first met to compensate for my foots shape. It has worked to some degree but I am still experiencing some discomfort/pain and swelling at the 2nd met and am afraid to start running in fear of further damaging the area. I am looking from input/comments/suggestions from others, especially active atheletes, who have had similar injuries and had successful treatment either by themselves or through their POD. Sorry for the length but I want to paint an accurate picture of the situation. Anybody?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Sounds like you have cart-before-horse syndrome. It would appear from your description that you sustained an overt traumatic injury during a definable event rather than a natural occurring ailment from biomechanical problems. If that is the case, an assessment of what was injured in the event needs to be done and that addressed, rather than going with general treatment for biomechaniclal conditions. You say that you went to the best podiatrist available and relate the treatment given (which apparently didn't do the job), but you fail to mention his/her diagnosis or any diagnosis on which treatment might be advised. When symptoms rather than causes are treated, relief is often temporary at best.

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