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Long standing foot issue

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by hydrokathy, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. hydrokathy

    hydrokathy New Member

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    Hi I have hydrocephalus and have been treated for that but I have since developed a burning itchy numing foot problem that drives me crazy mainly at night but lately as well during the day ... it keeps me awake at night and nothing seems to help .. the only way i can get rest is if I trap the vagus nerve in the leg but then i cannot walk on it for about 2 hours ..any advice would be appreciative...I have had this issue for at least 3 -4 years and its driving me to tears :(:confused::mad:

  2. hydrokathy

    hydrokathy New Member

    Hi I have hydrocephalus and have been treated for that but I have since developed a burning itchy numbing foot problem that drives me crazy mainly at night but lately as well during the day ... it keeps me awake at night and nothing seems to help .. the only way i can get rest is if I trap the vagus nerve in the leg but then i cannot walk on it for about 2 hours ..any advice would be appreciative...I have had this issue for at least 3 -4 years and its driving me to tears :(:confused::mad:


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