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Toenails after surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Need to know if the toenail itself grows back after ingrown toenail surgery and if so how long does it take?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    The intention of actually surgery for an ingrown nail, as opposed to temporary palliative care, is to permanently destroy the portion of the nail which ingrows. There are various procedures to accomplish this, but none of them are 100% successful. I would say that an 75-80 percent success rate is a reasonable expectation. It is difficult to say how long it might routinely take for failures to become evident as it is not uncommon for the nail to become dormant for a while after the surgery. You will find doctors who claim dramatically better results, but I would suggest that either they have done very few and have been lucky or they are being less than forthright.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  3. Yvonne

    Yvonne New Member

    Hiya is it right that my toes itch after toenail surgery I had done on Wednesday my doctor seemed confused about this and is not there know till next week to get help it's also weeping thanks. Yvonne

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