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keep getting what i think is a tight tendon in the back of my ankle behind my achilles tendon

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by n1fitboy, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. n1fitboy

    n1fitboy New Member

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    hi there

    hope some1 could help me, i keep getting a tightness in the back of my ankle kind of behind my achilles tendon, its happend about 6 times this year, it seems to happen most of the time if im laying down on the sofa and have my feet resting on the arm of the sofa or just laying down, it really hurts and is had to walk on and i cant hardly bend my foot up or down, it can last from 1day to the most so far of 15days, it must be a tendon as it will hurt then just vanish and my foots back to normal with no pain at all?? i have it right now and have had it for 5days so for but this time it feels more loose so i can move my foot a bit more then i used to but still cant walk properly, also get hot or cold rushes down my foot sometimes. havent seen my doctor as of yet as im in the process of moving doctors as im moving house, would just like to know if any1 has this to? or if any1 can explain what it is or could be?

  2. n1fitboy

    n1fitboy New Member

    take it that no1 has any idea!

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