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big toe pain after big toe tendon release

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by chefel, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. chefel

    chefel New Member

    hello, I have had many surgeies now beginning with an achilles tendon transfer surgery. The remaining of my big to tendon was attachd to my samll toe tendons. I developed tarsal nerve problems after that surgery which required a tarsal tunnel release. I still had HORRIBLE pain in the joint of my big toe and could barely walk, defeninately not without pain, as a matter of fact I was in pain walking or not. My doctor told me that in the time since I had my achilles tendon transfer surgery, they changed the procedure so he recommnded I have another surgery to detach the big toe tendon from my small toe tendons and just let it hang free. The surgery made sense to me because my big toe could not move, my whole foot was tight all th way up to my achilles tendon.

    So about 10days ago I had the big toe tendon release. Now I am FREAKING out because my big toe hurts soooooo much. I am praying it is not the tarsal nerve thing again.. It feels like it has been smashed by a sledge hammer . I dont know if it was held by a clamp or something during surgery which I guess would cause such pain. I go back to my Dr in5 more days. I guess I am asking anyone or the dr. on here if big toe pain is common after having had a surgery such as this.

    Thanks in advance for any replies

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