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Pain after midfoot fusion

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Mother's helper, May 1, 2011.

  1. Mother's helper

    Mother's helper New Member

    My mom had 3 joints fused midfoot almost 5 weeks ago. She has quite a large incision and 5 screws put in. She has had swelling issues and had a few blisters but none in a few weeks. However she does have a couple of places that the skin doesn't seem to want to heal despite bandage changes every day. She is starting to experience more pain in the foot as the nerves wake up and has had to continue with pain medication, albeit less strong than immediately following the surgery. She is wondering (generally of course) how long will she be in this kind of pain? And are the places on her skin that don't want to heal ever going to heal?

    We go back to the surgeon this week to get stitches taken out but as it's Sunday I wanted to ask others who have gone through the experience. Thanks for any help!

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