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poor circulation in both feet

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by sharper, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. sharper

    sharper New Member

    I started having pain in my feet 6 months ago that has gotten progressively worse and new problems have occured. GP ran a full blood work up which came out normal. Neurologist called for an MRI of my back which showed arthritis, bone spurs, and a slightly bulging disk - he said that these things were of no consequense in spite of the fact that I have severe lower back pain! He aslo called for a nerve conduction study which came back as normal. At this moment: severe burning sensation in the tops, sides of feet as well as lower leg. I have also developed edema, and a sudden onset of frequent episodes of purpura in both feet and lower leg. Could all of these things be symptoms of poor circulation? If so, what can I do to help alleviate some/most/all of the issues? If not, who do I see next?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010

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