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Lisfranc Screw Removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I suffered a Lisfranc dislocation on March 25. They diagnosed it quickly and I had surgery on the 28th of March. I took a 20 foot fall out a 3rd story window and onto a roof below. Not a pleasant experience. I knew immediately that I hurt my foot as it ballooned in size.

    The orthopedic put in two screws and 5 pins. Because it was a workers compensation case I had to switch doctors post surgery. After three months of recovery I am still non weight bearing. I am scheduled to have the pins and screws removed and this week. I was under the impression that only the pins would be removed and the screws would remain for at least six months. When I asked my doctor about what he would be removing he told me all the hardware screws included. Is it normal to have the screws removed after three months? When I asked why the screws are removed so quickly he told me that no weight bearing can be done on the screws of they will break in my foot. This is what scared me because I thought weight bearing was allowed on the screws. Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Here's an old response from the Foot Doc to another poster which might be helpful

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