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Big Toe Joint Problem

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by titan9, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. titan9

    titan9 New Member

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    While playing football I jumped and my shoe came half way off. Upon landing I had a good deal of pain in my left big toe. It began to bruise and swell, the next day it look like there was blood around the joint. I figured it was turf toe and taped accordingly. Now a few weeks later there is still some pain and a stretching feeling when I walk. Also the toe joint does not bend properly (like the one on my right foot). I got burned by my insurance recently and don't want to go to the doctor if it isn't necessary. Is this something that will heal or should I see someone I am farely active and don't want to have future issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Forgetting about the prospect of a reply from a non-professional, whose opinion would not be based on anything but a flip of the coin, how could you expect any responsible doctor, without the benefit of examination, to determine the status of your injury and to predict its outcome should you decide not to seek hands-on professional car?. Even if offered, how anyone could allow an unbased opinion not to seek professional evaluation influence his/her decision in the matter in beyond my understanding. Would you really expect your own doctor to offer such an opinion sight unseen, and if not, why would you ask here? There are appropriate uses for on-line medical forums, but your sort of question is not one of them, though if you choose to take my comments as a matter of education for the future, perhaps your question has indeed served you.
  3. titan9

    titan9 New Member

    Wow, I assumed the purpose of an online forum regarding foot problems was to get some sort of general opinion about what may be wrong and then see somone accordingly. But apparently asking for any kind of inform is obsurd and stupid. So thanks for nothing. I would never base my sole decision on whether to go to the doctor on some website just looking for some basis data to help me understand how serious the issue may or may not be.Thank you for your lovely kind hearted response which was a complete waste of both our time.
  4. Foot Doc

    Foot Doc Guest

    WOW . . . I assumed that the purpose of asking a question on an Internet forum was to solicit opinions, and you got mine. The fact is that general opinion responses may have been right or wrong, but certainly would not have been based on anything but guesses, and respondents have no idea as to how seriously you might take an incorrect reply. Your assumption that such unbased information might give you any meaningful information, especially as it related to the health and well-being of your young offspring would seem to speak rather poorly of your parenting skills or at least your concern for you youngster. If it were I and my child were injured, among the last places that I would go to for an assessment of his/her prognosis or if professional care were required would be an Internet forum. Being kind-hearted is not a substitute for an accurate answer. My response was the proper and sensible one. Those who do listen to reason and learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them. Asking the question is not so much absurd or stupid. But ignoring a wise answer IS.

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  5. Foot Doc

    Foot Doc Guest

    The final sentences of my reply should have been:
    "Those who do NOT listen to reason and learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them. Asking the question is not so much absurd or stupid. But ignoring a wise answer IS."

  6. elijah

    elijah Guest

    Foot Doc,
    Many people, if not most, are looking for direction in a self-diagnosis. There are many reasons for this; no insurance, no money, skepticism or cynicism concerning the medical community and some, such as myself, hate being told what to do in an authoritative manner.
    Of course, it's fine for me to speak authoritatively to others because as a professor; I am an authority.
    On the other hand, some people, but probably not most, are just needing that extra nudge to visit the doctor. For the most part, their mind is mostly made up, but anxiety and procrastination are holding them back.
    I enjoyed your writing, and I certainly understand your caution. Your care to rewrite sentences in order not to be misunderstood is especially impressive. If you lived in my little rural area, I would certainly consider visiting you. In fact, you sound much like my long deceased family doctor who practiced in the days of doing your own lab work and your own diagnosis. Oops, I see where I'm heading, sorry. Those were the days of paying with garden food and patients who never sued.
    So I imagine your previous respondent belongs to the former category described in the first paragraph and if anything like me, he would thoughtfully follow your advice while checking in with you to receive more direction as you evaluated his accurate physiological descriptions. But a prudent man wouldn't count on that would he? Certainly not when his livelyhood is at stake.

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