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Arthritis / Osteoarthritis after foot surgery?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I very recently had surgery for multiple (4) fractures in my foot. (See x-rays photos at footsahurtin.wordpress.com/2009/06/06/fractured-metatarsals/

    I am very concerned because my surgeon told me that I would probably develop arthritis “likely sooner than later” is the way he put it.

    FOOTDOC – In one of your posts on this topic, you asked someone “which joint(s) is (are) involved or the mechanism and specifics or extent of the joint injuries”. Well I had base of the first and fourth and the mid-shaft of the second and third metatarsals fractured. I am not asking for a definitive diagnosis or prognosis, but based on the severity and location of my fractures, what is YOUR GENERAL OPINION of arthritic likelihood in the near future?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Post fracture joint osteoarthritis is occasioned by a fracture which invades the joint surfaces and damages the articular surfaces and cartilage. Joint cartilage heals poorly if at all, and serious damage predisposes the joint to bone to bone contact which is the hallmark of severe osteoarthritis. So I would say that the prospects of eventual joint osteoarthritis ensuing from a fracture which has transected both joint surfaces is rather high.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thank you for your quick response. So the first metatarsal fracture and displacement AT THE BASE would be the most llikely location for arthritis to set in one day? (and not so likely around the 2nd and 3rd "mid-shaft" fractures).
  4. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    "arth" refers to "joint." Arthritis is a disease of joints. You cannot have arthritis other than at a joint. Mid-shaft fractures are not at a joint.
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Very well clarified, thank you.

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