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stubbed FOOT, difficulty walking

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    My 10 year old son stubbed his whole foot while running at the beach. The pain became more and more intense the more he tried to walk on it, until he could no longer walk on it 10 minutes after the injury, and was crying it hurt so much. We iced and elevated it when we got home and rested it overnight. He is able to walk on it today very carefully but it is still painful (pain scale of 1 - 10: about 7). The pain is not localized to any particular area - several areas are hurting. The side of the foot by his pinky toe, the side of the foot by his big toe, the top of the foot between his 1st and 2nd toes. Upward pressure on the middle of the bottom of his foot is very painful.
    There is no bruising, and no noticeable swelling anywhere.

    The fact that it has improved some seems to be a sign that it's already healing (he went from not being able to walk at ALL, to be able to carefully walk on it). I'm not ready to run to the ER, especially if they are only going to refer to an orthopedic doctor anyway. IS a wait and see approach here inappropriate? Are there long-term consequences I need to be considering? The fact that we do not have insurance is definitely a factor in my decision, And could go either way. If its not a 'treatable' injury I could waste money at the ER. Howver, if it is a serious injury that I ignore, it could be very costly to treat later and cause him permanent damage or reduced function.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I hope that you are not permitting your son to walk!!! If he has done any damage, walking can be the worse thing. He could have a serious injury without swelling. Tendon or ligament damage can be more problematic than a fracture. If you are going to take a wait and see approach, do not allow him to weight bear

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