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To do surgery with a jones fracture or not

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hi. After tripping in the street I received a jones fracture. I went to my md after three weeks and was told there was minimal healing and that I should go back keep up no weight bearing, wearing my boot and will see me in four more weeks. I discussed surgery with him( I already had discusse it at the first visit) , he again had told me that its up to me . I went home and have been discussing it with my husband.
    We thank g-d have three children ,one being under one. I've had to hire full time help. I can't believe there is such a long healing time. And what's worse , the md doesn't even know if the fracture will heal on it's own or I might need surgery anyway. I hear being healthy, an avid exerciser( I was exercising seven days a week) is a plus. But I don't have months to wait. Should I just do surgery??? Help. Thanks
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi Cheryl -

    You sound like me. I had a stress fracture & by the time it was found it was too late. I stepped down too hard on it (answering my phone to get my test results!) & fractured it completely. I went 4 weeks with a boot on it, out of work (only P/T), no weight on it & my husband on LUCKILY paid FMLA as it was my right foot. No driving, etc. At 3 weeks I told my Podiatrist I wanted to have the surgery instead of waiting & he obliged with no problem & I had it during the 4th week. It was explained to me that a Jones Fracture has 2 big problems that keep it from healing: poor blood flow to the area & there's a tendon that can move the break by flexing your foot just a little so it never gets a chance to heal properly. I had my surgery 2 wks. ago & I spent the 1st week in bed with ice on my foot elevated. I took my pain meds. (vicodin & 800 mg. ibuprofen) to keep the pain at bay but it wasn't that bad overall. I had a 3-1/2", 3mm screw put in to fix the bone & it only took 1 stitch to close the incision. I got that out Thursday & can move my foot (I could do that at 1 wk.) but still cannot put any weight on it. He said in about 4 weeks it should be healed enough to try & if it's ready (he said I'll know if it's not!) he'll give me therapy/exercises to do to strengthen it. At about 8 wks. it should be healed completely & I'll be able to go back to work. If you're not healing & it's an option I would say do the surgery. I also went to see my orthopedic for a 2nd opinion & also discussed it with my sister-in-law, a military GP that sees lots of ortho cases. They both recommended the surgery. It's a slow healing process so the sooner you can get underway the sooner you'll be up & around. I have girlfriend who's a single Paramedic. She had a stress fracture & couldn't have the surgery as she had no one that could help her afterwards. So she opted the slow healing route...that was almost a year ago & it's still not 100%. BTW - I'm 47 yrs., not really athletic but work P/T retail so I'm on my feet a lot on a hard floor.

    Good luck with whatever you decide! If you have more questions just let me know. :)

  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hello. I am currently thinking of surgery for this same type of fracture. I am a stay at home mom of 5 and my fracture too is not healing. I am at 7 weeks currently and am considering surgery to cut down on healing time. The drs tell you to stay off of it but its almost impossible when you have children at home that depend on you for their care. Glad to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for sharing your story.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    As someone near the tail-end of my Jones FX recovery, let me offer you some perspective. I am a 31 year old extremely active and fit male with no prior breaks and I don't smoke.

    I suffered a Jones FX on May 3rd and opted for surgery so I could be up and about in 6-8 weeks. It is now nearly 4 months later and I still haven't been cleared to go for a jog or do any impact activity. I was in a cast and on crutches for roughly 2.5 months and then in a boot and crutches for about another 3 weeks after that. I only just got to be full weight bearing in my own two shoes on August 3rd - 3 months later.

    My foot is still very sore at times. Best case I would estimate my return to full activity somewhere around early to mid October - 5+ months after my surgery. Conversely a friend of mine suffered a Jones FX a week before me. He didn't have surgery, and he was back running (albeit with some pain) 6 weeks later.

    Everyone is different. Everyone's doctor is different in their approach to treatment. I wish you luck in your healing but don't bank on surgery to be a magic cure that will have you back to full speed in a matter of days or weeks. From my experience thus far and many others before me, it is obvious it can take a long time.
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Just an update on the recovery of my surgery after my Jones Fracture so far. I broke my foot on 6/20 & had my surgery on 7/21. My xray at the time of my surgery was identical to my xray on 6/21 - no healing at all, which is why I insisted on the surgery. As of today, 8/30, I am 5-1/2 wks. post-op & was told at my last appt. on 8/19 that the bone was about 50% healed. I am using a electronic bone stimulator, ordered by my dr., which has helped we all believe. I was told if all goes well on 9/15 I should be able to put weight on my foot at that time. Then it would be 2-3 wks. of strengthening & I should be able to wear a regular shoe at that time. I am not a runner, however I do work retail & am on my feet on a concrete floor for hours on end. My dr. does not see any reason why I will not be able to return to full duty around the 1st or 2nd week of October. Yes, this has been a very long process but I was told by both my Podiatrist & an Orthopedic I saw for a 2nd opinion for surgery that a Jones Fracture is the worst type of fracture you can have in your foot. Due to low blood flow in that area it is very slow to heal. I wish all of you good luck with your recovery however it may be done, with or without surgery. :)
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi, just wondered if anyone thats had a jones fracture had seen their own xrays! I have a fracture on my 5th met and still have pain after 18 weeks of conservative healing. Not my choice, I wanted surgery but was told to wait. I have put a picture on this forum under the heading 'Is this a jones fracture?'. I would appreciate it if anyone could take a look and say whether they think it is a Jones fracture or not! Just by comparing the location of the fracture to their own! Thank you in anticipation
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I think it all depends on the fracture, one could have a jones fracture but there could be different ways the bone is broken, my friend had a Jones fracture and she had to wear a boot for six weeks and was done , me my doctor did not give me an option one week after my. Fracture I had my surgery, I'm almost two weeks in the recovery and at two and a bald weeks post op I will get my stitches removed and get a boot. Still do not know if i will be able to put any weight on my foot, I sure hope so because I a, so tired of having to walk with crutches and a walker. Hope by now you have recovered.
  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Yes that is the jones fracture site..in my honest opinion..do not opt for surgery. That will heal within 5-7 weeks on its own with normal non operative treament

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