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Post-Ingrown Toenail Surgery- Whiteness and some Redness

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by wgaila, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. wgaila

    wgaila New Member


    Three days ago I had ingrown toenail surgery with phenol application for both side of my big right toe.

    The nail was not infected, or even very ingrown when I had the procedure done.

    My doctor told me to treat with neosporin and warned me that the toe might swell and drain over the next couple of days. The next day, the discomfort was very mild and the area was scabbed, but it was quite dry- until yesterday.

    Since then, I am in increasing discomfort. There doesn't seem to be any pus or drainage, but I am getting chalky whiteness all around my cuticle (even the top part where he did not apply the acid). The whole toe is looking slightly rosy and there is one spot (where my next toe meets my big toe) that is getting pretty red. Yesterday morning, I was able to walk with no pain but today the toe is throbbing (not shoot-through-the-ceiling pain, but definitely walk-on-your-heal-to-avoid-contact-with-the-floor pain). When I just sit in bed with it up, it's throbbing a bit.

    My question is- is this normal, or should I be worried? I am seeing my doctor this week, but I don't want to wait if there's a real problem. I actually am less concerned about the pain (because he warned me I might have discomfort) than I am about the whitening of the skin (which he did not tell me about).

    Perhaps it would also help to mention that I have scleroderma (in my hands and lungs- which I told the doctor about when he asked if I had circulation problems, but he didn't seem concerned).

    Should I be worried and try to see him sooner?

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012

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