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Sudden bruising/swelling in instep/arch

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Justaquickquestion, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Justaquickquestion

    Justaquickquestion New Member

    Last night I was sitting on the couch when suddenly I was struck with a painful sensation in my left foot followed by a immediate brusing. The swelling has gone down, but the bruising is now more pronounced and about the size of a silver dollar.

    I think it is close to the Navicular or the posterior tibial tendon.

    Today I woke up with my left leg asleep (though I was able to wake it up after a minute) and since I have felt some pain shooting up from that spot through my achilles into my calve muscle. In general, my left ankle feels sore, similar to how it feels when I'm recovered from a sprain.

    Other facts that may help:
    I'm 29 years old. 5'11.5", 155, 90/60 BP with a resting pulse rate around 45. I'm a healthy athlete, though I do have numerous physical issues related to my sports career, including about a dozen sprains of my left ankle and possible ligament damage.

    Does anyone have any clue what this is? Should I see a doctor, or will it pass in a couple days?

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