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Extreme upper and lower foot pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 24, 2009.

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  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    The bottom and top of my feet have felt like all the little bones are broken when I try to walk. It often feels like I am walking on marbles on the bottom and a weight crushing the tops when I walk. I have looked at websites for similar symptoms but I do not fall into any category - not heel pain, upper ball foot pain, not specific arch pain - just extreme pain when I try to walk. It has not prevented me from getting pont A to point B but it takes a lot longer. It hurts most if I get up from sitting, bed, driving. Feels best if I have them up or sitting. On the top of my foot, over my arch area, there is a bone area that hurts when I walk the most and if I press down on the area makes my feet tingle like waking from being asleep. This has been going on 7 or more months but it has progressively gotten worse. I take Relpax weekly for migraines; two heart meds and occassional excedrin.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    You are obviously not reluctant to go to other doctors for such as migraines and heart problems, so why are you putting up for 7 months with worsening extreme pain when you try to walk, tingling or the feet feet and a painful bone? Would you consider self-treating your other medical problems with advice gleaned from forums? My advice . . . Add a podiatrist to your list of healthcare professionals.
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