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Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy

Discussion in 'Foot Health Books' started by Admin, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    This book is highly recommended for anyone with the neuropathy that occurs as part of diabetes.

    Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy
    "A superbly researched and readable book that deals with peripheral neuropathy from the patient's perspective"​


    Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy
    Editor: John Senneff

    Reviewers comments about Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy:
    "A superbly researched and readable book that deals with peripheral neuropathy from the patient's perspective. The author has taken great pains to assemble accurate and up-to-date information that will be of substantial benefit in helping patients. . . .The book can also be recommended to physicians who want insight into how patients are affected."

    "Congratulations on completing your informative and exhaustive work. It will be a valuable resource to patients and physicians alike."

    Readers comments about Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy:
    "This book is easy to read, well written and chockful of helpful information. I purchased it at a diabetes seminar, raced home and quickly read it. I was thrilled to find so much well-researched info on neuropathy in one book especially since my efforts at finding info on this painful, debilitating disease had previously yielded nothing helpful. I'm reading it again with my marker in hand as I will continue to use this book as an important reference in my search for help."

    "If you suffer from neuropathy, do yourself a favor and get this book."

    "This is am absolute must for anyone diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. The resources are very helpful and time saving when trying to cope with this disorder. I have take several to my son's doctors and they have been positive with receiving it. My son was recently diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy."

    Buy from:
    Amazon.com (USA)
    Amazon.ca (Canada)
    Amazon.co.uk (UK)
    Fishpond.au (Australia)

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