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painful lump in the arch of my foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by ljlicea42, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. ljlicea42

    ljlicea42 New Member

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    i have a painful lump in the arch of my foot near the heal its about the size of a marble, and seems to be tied to ankle pain im having as well, i am over wieght and not used to working on my feet my job recently had me doing just that , and thats when the pain in my ankle and the lump appeared im not working on my feet anymore yet the lump and pain still persist should i be worried about this ? its painful when i walk when im sitting it just plain hurts all the time .
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    I'd be concerned if I had a part of my body which just plain hurts all the time.
  3. ljlicea42

    ljlicea42 New Member

    lol well ok point taken guess ill make an appointment:)
  4. San Jose Podiatrist

    San Jose Podiatrist New Member

    Yes you should be concerned - #1 - see a podiatrist #2 not related to ork #3 possible need to surgery if a mass - best to see your podiatrist; a workers comp doctor can take a look - probably wont associate your job or your work activities even if standing and walking all day.
  5. Rob

    Rob Guest

    i had a midfoot bone fusion three months ago and I'm in more pain now than when I was before surgery. My dr prescribes me around 80mg of OxyContin a day. Is that a lot ? With out proper pain management I can't work or play with my kids and it tears me apart inside. I hoping it will get better but I'm scared and I need to work. Does anyone know what the. Typical pain management for a midfoot bonefusion is. ?

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