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5th metatarsal shaft break

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by sdecarlo622, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. sdecarlo622

    sdecarlo622 Guest

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    I was diagnosed last week as R foot 5th metatarsal break. I saw a podiatrist who x-rayed and diagnosed and treated with knee walking boot. Told to keep on at all times except for sleeping and showering. I'm to see him back in 3 weeks from initial visit and that will determine if I need surgery. My questions:

    1. My foot feels better if I have ti walk without boot.

    2. My entire foot up to my ankle and down to my toes are all black and blue. I have gotten swelling down with elevation and ice

    3. If surgery required should I allow podiatrist ( yes he is qualified) or should I see and orthopedic surgeon at Rothman institute?

    Any info anyone can give with their experiences would be great. Thank you
  2. VickieAnn

    VickieAnn New Member

    You will find from reading around this website that no two drs treat a Jones Fracture the same. I got my fracture on July 20 and was nwb for two wks with a boot, then pwb for four more wks. Saw my ortho on Sept 1 and was told to start wearing a sturdy shoe around the house and gradually work till I was out of the boot. Stopped wearing the wk last wk. Was told I have terrible osteopenia and should be careful so that I don't get a stress fracture. Now having pain around the two smallest toes and in my ankle, so not sure what is going on.

    To answer your questions I would not be walking around without the boot or standing to shower or anything that would make it displace. My doctor had told me the more I used it the first couple of wks the more chance I had of displacing the fracture and needing surgery. Elevation and ice are best but does seem to be a lot of bruising. I myself would see an orthopedic surg though I know lots of ppl have good results with a podiatrist.

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