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calcaneal osteotomy.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I had a modified kidner and removal of hyprocure implant that had backed out in August. I am still having pain by the the incision site and swelling which became worse throughout the day. About two weeks ago, while wearing sneakers, the toe of my surgical foot caught on the floor. My foot started to throb. I went home and iced my foot for the rest of the evening. When I woke in the morning, I only had minimal pain. About four or five days after the injury, I started to experience increased pain. About a week after the incident I started feeling as if my ankle will give way. The posterior tibial tendon (along the edge of my foot and also my arch area have again started to become quite uncomfortable. I called the doctor who did my surgery. The doctor that did the origional surgery was not in the office so I saw one of the other doctors in the practice. He took new xrays and said that the the angle of the heel contributes to my flat foot. He said that because my foot is so flat, it will just continue to stress the tibial tendon and have continued flare ups and problems with my foot. Right now, he has me wearing a laced ankle brace with my orthotics to take the stress off of the tendon. The doctor told me to continue with PT. The physical therapist wants be to continue to do home exercises, but stop if my foot starts to hurt. The second podiatrist said the two options I have is either to wear a brace for the rest of my life or have a calcaneal osteotomy. I am 54 and too young to wear a brace for the next 30 or so years. When I asked the doctor about the possible complications of the proceedure, he said that it is a very straight forward proceedure.

    The doctor that did the origional surgery kept saying, it sometimes takes awhile to heel after tendon work when I would complain about the ongoing pain by the incision. I am now 7 month post op. The doctor that I saw most recently watched me waIk, stand, looked at the new x-rays and felt that the only thing that will help in the long run is the calcaneal osteotomy.

    What information could you give me about the proceedure? Any insights would be appreciated
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    The person to give you information regarding whatever specific procedure was advised would obviously be the doctor who suggested it.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I came here to discuss Calcaneal osteotomy but I think I'll go somewhere else, as "the foot doc" seems to be rude and why would there be an open discussion platform where the only reply is "talk to ur doc". The purpose of an OPEN forum is for discussion amongst peers. So disappointed in this forum.

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