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Broken fifth metatarsal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by jonboyuk, May 25, 2009.

  1. jonboyuk

    jonboyuk New Member

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    Nearly three weeks ago, I was playing football, when I twisted my right foot and heard a crack. I had broken my fifth metatarsal. Immediately put ice on it, went to A&E and they x-rayed it and put me in a full 'up to the knee' plaster. I have fractured it, much like when you snap a pencil in half, it's still not a complete break into two pieces.

    Anyway, after one week, Dr checked it, I had the full cast off and they replaced with a fibreglass cast & shoe in which I can remove but also put weight on.

    At first I found it hard walking so I used my crutches. After a couple of days, I could walk with out. Now I can get around quite easily with the fibreglass plaster. Yesterday, I spent the whole day without it and tried walking. I can walk as long as I cannot put too much weight on the right of the foot.

    Through the whole process, I have experienced no swelling, no pain (unless I were to fully express my weight on the foot without a plaster). Is is a bad idea for me to try walking without the plaster? Would I be able to drive yet? My next check up is in 10 days.

    Thanks, Jon
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Doesn't the doctor who is treating you, knows your injury, is aware of your status and has responsibility for your care have a telephone?
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  3. jonboyuk

    jonboyuk New Member

    Finding the doctor that saw me on the NHS system in my local hospital is like finding a needle in a haystack. You always get a different person, and you can't call them directly or indirectly, (unless you know them personally).

    That was a pointless remark footdoc that couldn't be any more unhelpful. If you are unwilling to help, that's fine, but it seems like a bit of a waste of a forum otherwise.

    Regards, Jon
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Im having a very similar experience, I fell and landed on my foot and displaced a piece of my 5th metitarcal. I went ahead and had surgery and they screwed it back into place and now I'm on crutches and wearing a boot. I was surprised that three days after the surgery I was in no pain whatsoever and was able to put full weight on it (wearing the boot of course) after 5 days. I was curious if walking around on it without the crutches is a good idea? I'm a college student and i walk at least a mile a day around campus, loosing the crutches would be a big help. Also, I snowboard but I don't want to get back into it unless its safe, but I would like to know the soonest possible time I could put stress on it. I don't have a primary physician working on me due to the way college medical centers are set up, so I have no one to call and ask. Maybe someone has some helpful answers?
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Wow, doesn't your doctors give you post op/post casting instructions? They are the expert and to let someone leave without any aftercare directions is horrible. You NEED to ask if this info isn't given to you!!

    I certainly would not be putting full weight on a bone 5 days after surgery, especially when there is a new screw in place if you have not been directed to do so by your doctor. I had 2 screws placed after surgery and had to be 10 weeks non weight bearing (it was a different surgery of course) but why chance ruining something that had to be fixed surgically?

    Does the medical centre have your file from your surgeon? You could call and ask them to look up your file, or the hospital that the surgeon worked at for your surgery. You must be able to track down your surgeon? Do you have a follow up appt?
  6. Smokey

    Smokey Guest

    I totally agree -- you MUST have been given some type of post-op instructions. That screw is just basically sitting in the bone at this point, and for them to have put a screw in the first place means it wasn't just a simple little fracture. You need to stay OFF the foot totally until instructed at your post-op visits that you can put weight on it or you risk permanent disabling injury.

    I broke my 5th met, no screw, and I was non-weightbearing for about 5 weeks. I have only had slight healing as of the 8 week mark, see the ortho this coming week (at 13 weeks) and am hoping it is now healed, though I have a tendon tear or another fracture or something that is still causing pain in the cuboid area.

    So ... long story short: Don't put weight on your foot. You can do damage you're not even realizing until it's too late.

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