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Foot pain - previous injury

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I injured my left foot approx 13 yrs ago during a netball game. I rolled over on to the lateral aspect of my foot. Afterwards I had pain across the top of my foot around the 1st metatarsal base. I remember having an xray with no bony abnormality found. I was perhaps naive back then and did not seek physio or any such advice. The 1st tarso-metatarsal joint has remained larger than the other side and I notice it with some shoes. I just recently have had some pain in the area on walking and some running. I feel I should be doing something to strengthen the muscles/ligaments around that area to combat any problems. Damaging that joint, I assume, would have an impact on my arch and support. I would like to be proactive instead of reactive. Any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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