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top of foot bruising and swelling

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by tim, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. tim

    tim Guest

    i'm 38, 6'-0", 300lbs. 4.5 days ago, i was helping raise a framed wall of a cottage...and no....i didn't have protective footwear...yes.....i'm an ideot...anyways, the wall slipped, and came down on the top of my foot. I immediately put an icey gel pack on for about 15 to 20 mins. then over the next few days i took (2)400mg ibuprofen (gels). the current situation is, it's not really bruised as much as it still hurts(to touch and walk on) and swollen....my sandel is tight on that foot. Ride it out.....it'll heal? or go to my family doc?

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