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dropped metatarsal head and neuroma together

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 23, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    My podiatrist has said that I have a dropped metatarsal on my right 4th toe. In addition to that, he has said there is a neuroma between the third and 4th digits of the same foot. He gave me a week of prednisone, put a shot of cortisone into the neuroma and it helped for less than a week. He has also adapted my shoes and offloaded the metatarsal digit and put a lift in to spread the metatarsal heads. Despite these things, it really hasn’t helped much.

    My podiatrist has mentioned something about shaving the bone and possibly removing the neuroma? I cannot find any information about these two conditions occurring simultaneously. What are some of the options? If we do the surgery what is the recovery time? I’ve heard that these surgeries are usually not recommended but with the conditions together, is it the best option?
  2. blue1monkey

    blue1monkey New Member

    Although I had my neuroma removed when I had two bunionectomies and two tarsal tunnel releases, every doctor has their personal preferences on surgeries. My doctor doesn't do surgery on both feet at the same time but because of my situation and pain went ahead and did it. This could be the same situation for you. He wouldn't do something that is not safe though. If he did he would risk a lawsuit. If you do go with these procedures you will likely only have one scar with the locations being next to each other. I think you will probably be in a walking cast for a few weeks before walking on it. Recovery is something you should talk to your doctor about being that not every doctor has the same recovery time and procedures.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    What surgeries are usually not recommended and why who said this?

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