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Burning, Shooting and Tingling with Pain in Ankle/Foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by kmevans, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. kmevans

    kmevans Guest

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    First off, sorry this is so long, I have a long history with this ankle/foot. I'm double jointed, or more properly, have hyper-mobile joints, so me turning my ankle is a regular thing.

    About 2 years ago (spring-ish 2007 I think) I started having pain in my right ankle going down into my foot along with pain in my heal when walking/standing. I went to a podiatrist a friend recommended and she diagnosed me with a pinched nerve in my ankle because I turn my ankle when I walk and plantar fasciitis. She gave me a cortisone shot in the top of my foot, took casts of my feet to make me orthotics (I have very high arches too) and put me in a boot for about a month.

    When the boot came off I was pretty well free of the ankle pain and the heel pain only really flared up when I didn't wear my orthotics for a few days.

    Last October (2008) I was in Portland, Oregon for a conference and walked around the city for probably 3-5 miles one day in loafers. My feet were tired but ok. When I returned home a couple days later one morning I woke up and my right big toe was "dead" not completely numb but a marked lack of sensation. It stayed that way for about a month then was fine.

    Fast forward to mid-September 2009. I was shooting a wedding for some friends and was on my feet, again in loafers, for close to 12 hours. My feet were killing me by the time I got home, when I got out of bed the next morning, big toe was "dead" again and has been that way ever since.

    10 days ago I was getting ready to go to bed and turned my ankle over, just stepped and my ankle turned over to the outside and I got horrible burning, tingling pain from my ankle, down the top of my foot, parallel with my 3 outer toes (ending with pinky toe). I didn't think much of it as it eased off in just a few minutes, but over the next few days the pain and burning/tingling got worse. Last Tuesday I got in to see my podiatrist, same one I have gone to before. She took x-rays and said they looked fine and said I had “torqued” the nerves in my ankle when I turned it over and that my plantar fasciitis was flaring up. She wrote me an Rx for Lidoderm patches to put on my ankle (which do not help AT ALL) and told me to come back in two weeks.
    Currently when I turn my foot inwards (point toes toward other foot) even the slightest the electric pain goes from my ankle down the top of my foot, if I turn it far the sensation and pain is debilitating. I’ve been trying to wear a brace on it during the day when I have to be up walking around, but it does not help much unless I don’t move my ankle at all, which is near impossible in OTC braces.

    I have an appointment with a different podiatrist next Wednesday (25th) but I am afraid that I am doing damage being on it and moving it.
    I know its nerve issues, I had to have disc replacement surgery in my neck a year ago, so I am familiar with nerve pain. I’m just not sure what to do for my foot!

    Thanks for any help and sorry for being so long winded.
  2. kmevans

    kmevans New Member

    p.s. I am a 35 year old female, overweight, but not terribly obese. Have been going to the gym 3x a week until this happend.
  3. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Have you had an EMG and nerve conduction study? Has anyone ever evaluated you for tarsal tunnel syndrome? Have you had any lumbro-sacral disc or vertebral problems?
  4. kmevans

    kmevans New Member

    Have not had a nerve conduction test on my foot/ankle or any talk about tarsal tunnel.

    I am sure its a foot/ankle problem and not a lower back problem for 2 reasons.
    1. I am able to re-produce the symptoms by moving my foot
    2. Having had herniated disc in my neck with spinal compression I am very aware of what referred pain/tingling from disc issues are like

    I am just concerned that I am doing damage by walking around on it like this.

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