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Soft bump on the inside/left side of my right foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I'm grateful to have found this forum.

    Here's the issue: I have a soft bump on the inside/left side of my right foot, in the middle of where the arch should be (I'm fairly flat-footed). There was a little bit of aggravation to my foot back a few years (2004) when I was living in Germany. I had problems with my right ankle and foot bones (I have Ehlers-Danlos loosejointedness, so the bones like to come apart a little), so I walked cautiously with my foot turned in to relieve the pain. I had to do a lot of walking, and the bump started to surface in the summer when I wore Birkenstock-like flip-flops and when it was hot and my feet were sweating. I thought this would go away. It didn't. Because it is soft and seems almost sort of watery, I tried to lance it a few years ago (about 2007), and nothing happened. (I know, this was not a smart thing to do.) I've been getting more active, walking more, doing some dance classes, and while this is not stopping me, it does have that walking-on-a-blister feeling, and it tingles and burns. Not to mention that I think I'd be more apt to move around more if I didn't have this problem. (I am morbidly obese, and I would like to capitalize on my feeling better and more energetic and exercise more.) While I haven't had the insurance to go for treatment anywhere, I may have the chance, soon, or, if I can, I might just pay for the treatment myself. I live in the United States.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    If it is not a simple blister, you really need a diagnosis before thinking about treatment recommendations. Keep in mind that not having medical insurance is no more of a deal breaker for obtaining medical services than not having food, shelter, transportation or even dance class insurance is for those necessities and activity of choice. Speak with your doctor BEFORE seeing him/her and explain your financial circumstances. If they are indeed valid, I'm sure that something can be worked out with you. But you have to ask FIRST, and then see to it that you live up to whatever you have agreed to.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Not helpful at all. Good one foot doc.
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    bump. no pun intended

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