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Mysterious sudden pain in base of pinky toe..please help advise!?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by dhjudy2, May 8, 2010.

  1. dhjudy2

    dhjudy2 New Member

    Hi there! I have a mysterious sudden pain and hoping you can help advise. I went on a long walk today (and yesterday) in new flat shoes, as I am on vacation..and haven't experienced any pain in my feet thus far. However, this evening I stood up from the couch and this very sharp pain went through the base of my right pinky toe (joint of fifth metatarcel) and ever since, for the last 5 hours, I can't put any pressure on the front on my foot (around that area) and have to walk on the heel of my right foot (not easy) to avoid the sharp pain in that region. I simply can't walk. There is swelling by sight with a little redness around the joint. If I touch the joint from the bottom, side, or top of my foot, it really really hurts as well. Again, this is a very sharp pain around joint by weight enforced or touch. However, I did not endure any real exercise lately, just walking a couple miles in new shoes that are not made for walking (fashionable flats). Do you have any idea what this could be? No blisters, etc. from the shoes of course. I really appreciate any feedback!

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