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Post-Surgery Pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered-whitterz, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Yesterday I had a complete removal of an ingrown toenail which was infected, although the nail bed was not destroyed so that the nail could grow back.
    Yesterday evening I was unable to sleep because of the stabbing, burning pain in my toe. I took some paracetamol and it passed.
    Today, my dressing was changed by a nurse, and I was prescribed antibiotics (flucloxacillin).
    For the last 7 hours, I have been in excruciating pain (the same stabbing, burning pain), and paracetamol is not having any effect on the level of pain.
    Elevating the foot is not providing any relief.

    I don't know if this is relevant but I had to have 7 injections of anaesthetic (which still didn't take effect, and I felt everything during the operation). The procedure was very violent and the doctor literally YANKED the nail off. The entire toe feels ridiculously bruised.

    What is the reason for this agonising pain I am in, and how long will it take to pass?

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