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Broken Fifth Metatarsal Healing Time

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Broken foot, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. Broken foot

    Broken foot Guest

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    On April 15th I broke my 5th metarsal about mid foot. Ortho said 10 - 12 weeks to heal. I am now on week 15 and not scheduled to go back until week 21. I was in a cast for 4 weeks and a boot for 4 weeks. After 8 weeks he said I could go without the boot unless my foot hurt. My question is this: Should I be concerned about the healing time? I am in my late 40's if that matters. I have occasional pain but can walk fairly well. My doc says it is healing and does not seem too concerned. I am worried how long it is taking. Thanks...
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    If you deem your doctor trustworthy and he is comfortable with your progress, I would think that you would respect his opinion. If you are not comfortable with his advice, arrange or have him arrange a second opinion with a well-vetted specialist. But having someone unknown to you on the Internet who cannot examine you or view your x-rays is neither a valid nor a wise method of allaying or exacerbating your concerns.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2009
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    FootDoc, I have seen a lot of your posts and they all seem to be the same. I'm sure you know what your talking about however, get over yourself. These people are just a little worried and I'm sure if they thought their Dr. didn't know what they were doing they would find somebody who did. So stop wasting your time and theirs by posting useless replies. They just want to speak to someone that has experienced what they are going through. You may reply to this or you may not but chances are I will never know as I have just stumbled upon these forums and will not likely return.
  4. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    You are very correct . . I DO know what I'm talking about, and that's why I offer professionally responsible replies. Anyone who would actually be comforted by a response from some doctor who is willing to offer case-specific advice without knowing the specifics of the case is deluded. Setting a questioner on the CORRECT course to obtain a reliable answer to a question regarding his/her individual case is NOT a waste of time either for me or the questioner. On the other hand, attempting to obtain case-specific advice based on what other patients who don't really know if they've had an identical problem have experienced IS not only a waste of time, but potentially dangerous, as they are obviously willing to substitute such unreliable information for that which should have been obtained from their own doctor who actually knows them and their case. It is not my purpose or desire to satisfy the often unreasonable expectations of questioners.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    sure you cannot give a great opinion not having seen the patient BUT
    I am a 70 year old woman who suffered a 5th metatarsal break, told it is an avulsion break I am in Mexico and have some concerns, even though the orthopedist was well recommended.

    After four weeks of pain and wearing a plaster cast for 10 days, then a heavy stiff bandage for 20 days, the doctor has me on a tightly bound bandage. I am walking a little on Mephisto heavy soled stiff cork shoe. I still experience significant pain particularly at night. Does it mean that 1) the bone is getting back to being fused together or 2) something else is wrong.
    The orthopedist insists that I stay off my foot for three more weeks..

    Do I need a second opinion?? Any thought would be appreciated. I am otherwise healthy and stuffing myself with calcium rich foods....

    Thank you for your time

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